Monday 29 July 2013

Heat Wave!

The hottest day of the year in Hungary today at 40.2 degrees, and the second hottest day since 1902!
Steve Roly and I have spent the last week in the kitchen in front of an ancient old fan, glugging back gallons of water and doing as little as possible! Thank goodness for the internet.

My God its hot!!! 

At 8.00p.m its still 28-30 degrees, and my rolling lawn is getting browner and browner, I go outside at around six o clock and start watering, we have had no rain for at least a month now, and everything is dry as a bone in this heat. Because I am watering from the well with a pump that does not have good pressure, a sprinkler is useless, so I have taken to watering with my sprayer sitting in a garden chair, with vodka and a book and moving around as it takes me about two or three hours, and this is "just" keeping everything alive.

We are expecting visitors this weekend, luckily we finished the spare bedroom two weeks ago, it looks amazing! Steve did a fabulous job completing the window, plastering, doing the edging and putting in a window sill and some new blinds. We painted, changed electrical fittngs, and polished the parquet flooring which came up a beautiful honey colour, the room looks really good we are both really pleased with it.
(Pictures to follow).

I am on the down hill run with my teeth! The two implants have apparantly bedded into the bone nicely, they were "liberated" from my gum last week, and I have two strange metal plugs there now. Tomorrow, I will have the actual screws fitted, and then impressions will be taken of the top teeth for the final bridge! Yay!!
(Pictures to follow)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, your weather sounds pretty rough - even for us Safricans, 40+ is very hot indeed. Hope it's going to cool down for you guys soon and well done on the work in the house, looking forward to seeing the pictures. I'm also interested about your teeth, because I am thinking about having the screw in teeth put in ... there's a dentist down the road from us who does it. Maybe I can pop you an email sometime and you could explain what is all involved??
