Saturday, 31 January 2015

January 2015 - Going, going.........soon to be gone!

Sometimes I wonder if it not just a waste of life!

This sitting around day after day in winter, watching the weather and counting the days until Spring, sunshine and fresh clean air.
We have after all been doing this now since November, we hauled out the boots, coats, gloves, hats and scarves, kind of looking forward to the changing seasons, autumn was utterly awesome and it did stick around a while, but of course from the beginning of December, it is winter, no ifs, buts or maybe's.
But our wood store was pretty well bulging at the seams with wood, our wood fires in bedroom and kitchen were earning their keep, the pantry and freezer were stocked with more than enough food, and we breathed a sort of mental sigh, realizing that we could be really lazy without feeling bad about it.

We have now been lazy and very slothful for over two months! Eating way more then we should, drinking way more then we should, mostly due to utter boredom.
Cabin fever gets to us now and then, but we genuinely don't mind each others company and, bottom line, we love each other! As my friends pointed out, we are  a lucky couple, in that we actually like each other.
 We have had little spurts of minor activity, when the thermometer hits double figures, (10, 11 or 12 degrees!), and of course, I am motivated everyday to feed, muck out and water my chickens, but there has not been much activity during the last 6 weeks in the Bailey household, I have to admit.

But then think about it.......

From February/March last year, Steve has been busy, and by extension me too.If you scan through this blog, you will see that every single month, that there was sunshine and/or summer, my husband has been tackling some enormous project or another, too numerous to mention here!!!!

So, No!
It is not a waste of life, it is a regeneration.
A time to sleep long.
A time to relax.
And definately a time to indulge ourselves in whatever pleases us at the time........

Spring and summer will come soon enough, with all of this years projects and builds.

I think we are perfectly justified in our slothfulness and hope you do too!!!!!??

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