Thursday 28 February 2013


Well, we arrived safely, after a gruelling 24 hour journey through UK, France, Holland Belgium, Germany, Austria, Slovenia and into Hungary. Steve drove like a star for 19 bloody hours without a single moan (Amazing!) Roly slept most of the way, such a good boy........ but then blew it all by hurting his leg on our first morning by jumping from a sofa onto the slippery parquet flooring and tearing ligaments or something making him a cripple and in pain.

Our wonderful Hungarian neighbours had lit fires and switched the boiler on for us on our arrival, so all was well.
Will try to post more later but we are battling for internet at moment.................

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, hope little boy is better now. Looking forward to seeing lots of photos.
    Cheers from me and all here in Norwich
