Saturday 9 February 2013

Two Weeks to Go!

Everyone has mentioned that the easiest way to communicate our progress would be to create a blog! Be patient as I am new to this blogging stuff.

We have two weeks left to go, I have eight shifts left to work..............................
The house is in a kind of organised turmoil at the moment, we have managed to crowbar the youngest son and all of his goods out, and not before time. I'll say no more on this subject.

Steve and I have moved into the spare room, and Steve is trying to dismantle our King size bed, without tools, which are all, already in Hungary!!!!

Roly, the old pooch, looks increasingly more concerned as boxes and suitcases get filled, he doesn't like suitcases, its always bad news for dogs!

I keep telling him that he is comin' wiff!!!! But he lies down, generally right underfoot, eyebrows twitching in concern, watching the progress with much trepidation.
His EU passport is up-to-date, he is been jabbed, swabbed, squeezed, prodded and scanned, and deemed fit for the road trip across Europe, I spent £20 on a variety of different squeaky toys, which he is only allowed to have in the HH (Hungarian Home).

It seems as if the van is all organised, and should arrive at some point on Friday 22nd Feb 2013, we have faith..................................

We are running out of days to say good bye to people, and have had a very boozy two weeks, having drinks with neighbours, and work buddies, with no end in sight at the moment, we may need to leave the country in order to save our livers!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Well done and thanks for sending the link! Looking forward to seeing lots of photos of your new environment and hearing news of the move. Best wishes from all of us here in Norwich.
    Cheers for now
    Janice and all
