Wednesday 29 May 2013

Three Months

We have now been here for three months, its hard to believe as the time has flown. Remembering that for the first month we were basically snowed in and incommunicado as we had no internet or phone.

But once the sun came out, the work began.
Steve and a local lad Lotsi pulled out fences and posts, which chopped the property into small sections, a tractor came in and ploughed up the earth and we now have much more garden, I then started raking and sewing grass seed, I think our neighbours are convinced of our madness, as they have prolific vegetable patches and watch us growing useless and inedible grass, but the fruit and veg shop down the road sells the freshest produce around for a pitance so we are putting off the self-sufficency thing until next year, there is just too much to do in the house.

We are finally in the main bedroom, this was a huge undertaking as the floor had some damp, and had to be dug up and a new floor of concrete thrown.This was all done by my amazingly versatile husband and Lotsi. The walls were also a bit suspect, and 10 bags of cement went into keeping them upright.
Steve is not happy with the final product, but I love it, its bright and big and ours and who cares about the imperfections, its an old farmhouse and has character!!!

I had my final fitting of my bottom teeth on Monday, they look amazing, I finally have a full set of bottom pearly whites. I will have to wait until July for the top row to be fitted as the implants need 3 months to bed in, but hey I have patience, and told the dentist I wanted them all complete by my birthday on 1st September, so everyone is working towards that date.

Renovations have come to a bit of a halt! I think we can probably blame the weather which has turned a little chilly after the 25-30 degree days of the last month, there is a lot of rain in around, which is brilliant for the grass.
I notice my husband is doing a lot of thinking and a lot of research on the web.
The bathroom is the next big job, and by the sounds of it, its a big big bloody job, what with the water pipes, sewerage, floor and electrics and not forgetting that we are actually living here and can only go without washing for.....??? a day or two.
Plus we just are not able to get any professional help from any tradesmen here, they are all working in the UK, Germany, Belgium and Austria and anyone left behind is pretty useless and wants to charge a fortune.
But watch this space.................

Our socail life is pretty good.
We have joined the ex-pat community of Brits, they are a nice bunch (if a little older than us), they are all very sociable, plus we have an English couple living in the same village as us, and they are really nice decent people, and we found a pub run by an Englishman Stan not far from us, he is good fun and includes us in all his gatherings, so all in all actaully a better social life then we ever had in England, possibly because we could not afford to go out there as the price of a pint there can practically buy as both a meal here!!!

So after the three month milestone, I can say that both Steve and I are happier than we have been for a long time, we still love Hungary, as does Roly, the weather has been awesome, and we just love love our home!

We feel good and comfortable and safe in it and and have absolutely no regrets!!!


1 comment:

  1. Great post, Sharon - lots of information and updates. Thanks also for the pictures. I was wondering if the wet weather (floods) were bothering you but by all accounts, it's not too bad. Glad to hear that you are settling in so well to life in Hungary
