Sunday 1 September 2013


So, I now have my new Hungarian teeth, (see pic's) and Steve and I went and had new hair styles as well! We are both slimming down due to more physical excercise, and are also getting nicely tanned, when we are able to get out in the sun, luckily it has rained a little and cooled down to a reasonable 28-30 degrees, we are also acclimatising more so the heat is not hitting us nearly as badly.

Today, we decided to walk up the hill, and dragged Roly along, his nails are getting long as he is not getting as many walks as the UK as the property here is so big, he is puffed just doing a lap.

Our local friend Lotsi told Steve an interesting local fact, and Steve wanted to show it to me. I videoed it see the video.

1 comment:

  1. Hey cool little video! Now you know how to do it, we expect to see lots more video logs (VLOGS) of life in Hungary! Well done guys. Nice haircuts too. :)
