Tuesday 3 September 2013

Patio Progress

We are getting moving with our patio, this is essential before winter, as we need the verandah to be enclosed and we cannot do that until the patio is done.

Yesterday Lotsi our local Hungary friend (Borat) told us he had dismantled an old outbuilding and had plenty of old bricks, and Steve got the brain wave to surface the patio with these bricks, so today it has been a frantic offloading of bricks, as Lotsi wants them off the property as a tractor is arriving tomorrow to rotavate and the bricks will be churned to dust.


  1. Excellent work on getting the video up, Sharon! Wow quite a job hey! I told Steve he should have contacted Grand Designs (Kevin McCloud from the telly) ... cos by the time you guys have finished, it's going to be a completely re-done home. Utilising and recycling local materials is the way to go, it will look spectacular when finished! Well done to you both, lots of hard work but will be so worth it. xx

  2. Looking really good, can't wait to see the finished work. Like the garden view looks really pretty.
