Thursday 21 November 2013

Last Of the Work For 2013

The weather is finally closing in on us, temperatures are now dropping and apparantly next week we will see the first of the minus figures, so we are having to pack up everything and put it all away until next spring.
Its such a shame really we are so close to finishing our patio, but it will just have to wait now!

We are very proud of it, it has taken some hard slog from both of us! The bricks look absolutely fantastic, each one is unique!

We probably have only about six or seven more rows to do and they are getting shorter and shorter, damn winter!!! I will post more pictures of the details next year when we have completed it.....

But this has been our main objective during the last month!

This is our central heating for the next four months! 

We have absolutely no idea if it is enough, too much or if we will run out???? 
We have spent around GBP300, plus some wood we inherited with the property, which we reckon had been in this wood store for around 20 years, as it was so dry and hard it feels and sounds like white bone! The main type of wood used for internal woodburners in this country we have discovered is a strain of Acacia, and the stuff you see in the middle and to the left of the picture is mostly that, Steve and I have split most of what we had a month ago, it has given us a huge sense of satisfaction as we will have no horrible central heating bills, its paid for! The long logs to the right of the picture were delivered on the day the picture was taken, two days ago, and another load yesterday, its our kind of insurance policy, just in case!!! We will take stock, in mid winter 21st December and compare pictures we have taken to what is left, and decide whether we should shut our bedroom down and move into the spare room near where the kitchen fire is to conserve wood, but lets hold thumbs!

Life is still absolutely marvellous though! We have people coming and going every day, I am presently helping a 56 year old chap to learn English, he goes to night school and brings me his homework in the afternoons, in turn he tries to teach us a little Hungarian.
Lotsi our Hungarian buddy is always in and out, and we had a lovely visit from Atilla and his wife Rita, the house was owned by Atilla's grandmother whom we bought it from, they were pretty impressed with the work we had done.

But, as I said, winter is coming and we will have to go into hibernation for a couple of months now!

Here are a few pictures of our village.

Our nice peaceful street! Standing on the main road, the yellow building on the right is the council offices.

Good old rural country, these horse and carts come past our house all the time!

And lastly, Lake Balaton in all its autumnal glory!

Stay warm dry and safe everyone!!!


  1. What a great post! The patio looks very good and the bricks are lovely colours, hey? Maybe you might be able to do a bit more before the really cold weather sets in. We were supposed to get snow last week but nothing happened, although we can feel that the termperature has dropped since the beginningg of November. Your village looks so quaint, I'm sure it must be so nice living in such a beautifuly part of the world. Great photos and information, keep it up!

  2. Very nice photos. I would dread to think what your hands would feel like chopping all that wood in the cold winter but it looks all guys have worked hard!!!!. I just dont have the stamina to withstand such cold. We all complain at the cold in SA when its winter here but just cant imagine the winters there. Alhtough it must be quite peaceful in a quaint village during the winters with all the snow and all. Janice's Village is also beautiful and sometimes I get jealous that its just too pretty. (But jealous in a good way hehe) ..........well good luck for the winter ahead of you and I hope you keep warm and snug.

  3. lovely post and lots of wood hope its enough, I'm sure it will be. Keep us posted :) post some more lovely photos.
