Saturday 21 December 2013

December - Hibernation Time!

12th December 2013

Winter creeps upon us with stealth and relentless vigour! Its still early December and so far it has been suprisingly mild, the temperature reached 10 degrees on a day or two last week, but the night time has also dipped to -4. We have only had one light flurry of snow so far, and mostly the days have been bright, sunny, and crispy, with averages at between 7 and 10 degrees. Our local friends warned of fog, but so far that too has stayed away.
I love watching Roly when I let him out in the early morning, remember he is almost completely deaf, and his eye sight is also beginning to fail him a little, but "The Dog Whisperer" said that we should not feel sorry for dogs as they don't feel sorry for themselves and just adapt, which he does! But he does not hear the sounds around him, the chickens to the left and right of us, the dogs, also both sides of us, he is locked in his own little world, mostly of smells, and there are some stray wild cats around, that come onto the property whilst he is lying in front of the fire, trussed up in his blankie, and it annoys him intensely to smell their tracks. If he gets an especially strong whiff, he plants his back legs wide apart, and gives a few resounding barks in the air, all the while looking back to the house to see if we are watching what a "very good watch dog" he is, then he comes screeching inside and his little fat body feels ice cold!!

Indoors, well, it is just darn right cosy! We have our kitchen log burner going during the day, as we spend most of our time in there, and late afternoon, early evening we light both of them. They are absolutely awesome! The fire in the bedroom was a secondhand buy, through the expat club, and we got an absolute bargain! We have priced them new at around two hundred and fifty to three hundred quid, and thats without the pipes etc, we paid around one hundred and fifteen quid, inclusive of delivery and all the pipes! Our walls are about two foot thick, so its pretty well insulated and very very warm and cosy, with the added bonus of being able to watch a fire as they both have nice big glass doors, this, we have told Lotsi is our television! But there is nothing quite like settling down in bed at night and having the ambient flicking orange glow of warming flames to put you to sleep..........mmmmm its the little things that make life worthwhile!

We have no television, and even though we may miss it for a show or two, in general, we feel we are better off without it, as it used increase Steves blood pressure no end, and thats was just watching the news!
And we are not complaining, it is a time, according to those around us, to mend, fix, make and above all relax. It feels a little weird not having ANY family at all around us for Christmas, no sons, parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts or uncles, you get the picture! Nada! Its just going to be the three of us!

However, we did have our "Bailey Builders" Xmas office party last week! That was a wonderful day out, Roly, poor boy wasn't invited.

We caught the bus into Marcali, and small town about 5kms away.
Waiting for the bus - Office Party.
As you can see, it was a glorious day!
We had a gorgeous steak, stopped off at at few very nice lounges and bars, and drank a few of these nasty shooters they call Unicum, urgh!

Me chatting up the boss!

I made "Employee of the Year!" and got promted to "Chief Brick Scrubber" from next Spring thats why I look so happy!!

Some pictures of our clean cute and very quaint village!

Saturday 21st December 2013

Well, its now officially mid-winter, although my friend Pam says that this is the start of winter! But we feel a little better knowing that from tomorrow we will get a litte more daylight. And according to the locals, its been very mild and there has normally been much more snow.

Our window has been fitted (finally!) to our patio, so the whole thing is now enclosed, this has done an amazing face lift to the house, its has made the whole place seem bigger, the sun streams into the patio in the mornings warming up the whole area.

Since last entry, we have been to the ex-pat Xmas party, which was good fun. Its nice to socialise with the English, they are a lovely bunch of people.
We have also had a night out with Pam and Glynn and had a drink at my Dad's Pub.

So, to sum up the last ten months here in Hungary, we have to say, we are not sorry, we have not regretted the move not for a second, we are both so very happy here, our life has changed immeasurably for the better, we have a better quality of life and we are both so much more relaxed.

We love our home, we love each other and we love our life!
Merry Xmas all, and a very happy 2014.....

1 comment:

  1. Nice, descriptive post and pictures here, Sharon - keep it up! If I don't 'speak' to you both before the big day, have a lovely Christmas and all the best for the New Year. Keep toasty!
